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  • Establish a database to collect quantitative data on the ISEC's 

  • Successfully collect and analyze data with NexLeaf's Treks

  • Start laying a foundation for the collection of qualitative data and analysis for ISEC's

  • Work with the other two Ghana-based groups to see what their data analytics needs are


To accomplish our goals we need to:

  • Use our Trek and the new login provided by Jenny from NexLeaf for the interactive dashboard to collect and analyze data. 

  • Once we fully understand how to collect and analyze data with our own Treks we can reach out to Martin to better explain what will be expected of field surveyors and what they will need to collect data in the field.

  • Work with Pete to put together a survey for qualitative data they would participants to fill out.  










We are excited to be partnering with NexLeaf Analytics! NexLeaf Analytics is a company that specializes in collecting and analyzing data on improved cooking stoves in unindustrialized nations with their cloud based system StoveTrace. StoveTrace works by connecting to NexLeaf's sensors called Treks that record temperature, time used, etc. on the improved cooking stoves, and in this case our ISEC! With an android smartphone you can connect to the Trek sensors and upload the data in the field, then with service upload it to the StoveTrace dashboard. 


To learn more about NexLeaf Analystics please visit their website



Partnership with NexLeaf Analytics

Introducing NexLeaf's Trek Sensor

Trek is the device that makes cookstove

monitoring possible. Trek attaches to the

stove and, with a sensor, measures and logs

temperature as cooking occurs. Paired with

the mobile app and StoveTrace Analytics

dashboard, Trek provides at-a-glance analytics

on cookstove use.

 Trek Sensors

Below is a picture of a Trek Sensors ready for use in the field 


The metal bar gauges the temperature of the ISEC. The black box at the bottom collects the temperature and cooking time of the ISEC and stores the data until downloaded. 

How to use your Trek Sensor

Below is an in-depth video on how to use your Trek while in the field

Example of Data Collected Using our Trek

Screen Shot 2019-11-30 at 11.09.04

The following graph was generated in our trial run using the Trek to monitor cooking temperatures. We were able to access results on the NexLeaf website by using our specific Trek ID; the resulting plot shows Temperature vs Time. This can be useful for stove analytics in Ghana, as we would be able to track how often the ISEC technology is being used.

Stakeholders Analysis

Esther & Josephine

Interest in Project

Influence on Project

Expressed interest in spending time to ensure project success. As women, their voices may be heard less in some communities, but without their involvement and inside perspective, effectively disseminating ISECs would be nearly impossible.

Community - Men

Interest in Project

Influence on Project

The men of many Ghanaian communities have shown less involvement in these sort of projects, and more of a desire to maintain their current way of life. However, these communities are largely male-dominated and the men of the community have a large influence on whether change is enacted.

Community - Women

Interest in Project

Influence on Project

The women of Ghanaian communities are often easier to involve in development projects such as ISEC, and would likely be interested in a project that improves their childrens' health. They carry some influence as the main users of the ISEC, although overall, their voices are often not heard as much in their communities.

Community - Children

Interest in Project

Influence on Project

The children of the community are likely to be the most directly affected by this project, as it aims to prevent lifelong smoke inhalation for them. However, they carry very little influence in day-to-day decisions made in their communities.


Interest in Project

Influence on Project

As the team working on advancing this particular project, we're very interested in ensuring its success. However, there is only a limited amount that we can do from San Luis Obispo he project remains largely in the hands of the community and our points of contact in Ghana.

NExt Steps

  1. Creating plan to solicit qualitative data using our questions

  2. Further understand the StoveTrace Analytics dashboard 

  3. Build an ISEC

  4. Begin making an active list of supplies & expectations of field surveyors to collect qualitative data


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